This portion of the website (concerning child sexual abuse) and the books of Cleanan Press, Inc. concerning child sexual abuse are not intended to replace the services of a professional mental health counselor, or to provide professional psychological services to you. If you need expert professional assistance, you should seek the services of a competent mental health professional.
Reading this portion of the website (concerning child sexual abuse) or these books can bring back strong unpleasant thoughts and feelings. These could even lead to thoughts of suicide or other injury. If you find yourself overwhelmed by these thoughts or feelings, please seek professional mental health services immediately!
Every effort has been made to make this website and these books as accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes, both typographical and in content. Furthermore, they contain information that is current only up to the date of publication. Therefore, this text should be used only as a general guide to understanding child sexual abuse and not as the ultimate source of information. You are urged to learn as much as possible about child sexual abuse from all available sources and to tailor the information to your own individual needs.
The author and Cleanan Press, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained on this website or in these books.
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How does child sexual abuse happen? How and why do child molesters and rapists abuse children?
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