“Lynch the Swan”

A Lighthearted Travel Memoir:
Slow Travel to Barcelona, Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava, Prague, London, Brighton, Salisbury, Dublin, and Galway
(Baby Boomers Retirement Travel Series)

Lynch the Swan book cover
Ebook US $3.99
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by Lynn Michelsohn and Larry Michelsohn

London! Vienna! Bratislava?

Follow two retired Baby Boomers as they set out to See the World—well, parts of Europe, anyway—with only their Carry-on Suitcases, their Airbnb Reservations, and their Lighthearted Sense of Adventure.

Enjoy a Slow Travel summer through Eastern Europe and the British Isles . . .
~ admire amazing art and anomalies
~ explore confusing medieval streets
~ frequent friendly local pubs (yes!)
~ shop fun, intriguing farmer’s markets
~ cheer opera evenings and rock concerts
~ sample surprising delicious new cuisines
~ share times and tales with local residents

Live life during month-long immersions in wonderfully different foreign cultures.

and then, there are the swans . . .


Book Publisher ~ Estab 1983